1.2 Creating an account


WildTrax operates under a role-based access control system, meaning a user in the system represents an individual, not an organization or a group of people. This restricts access to authorized users and is a policy-neutral mechanism designed to create roles and privileges. These users can then collaborate to manage data or share data to answer broader scientific questions.


Click on  in the top ribbon.


Follow the steps to create an account—after you verify your email and have logged in, your account will be activated and you can begin using WildTrax. When you are logged in, your first name will appear on the right side of the ribbon, as will the button.

You must verify the email address associated to your WildTrax account before you begin using the system. You will not be able to access data or use certain features without first verifying your email.


The About section, Resources, this Guide and publicly available data on Data Downloads and Data Discover are accessible without a WildTrax account. Hovering over the button in the top ribbon will link you to the main sections of WildTrax: