7.2 - Data Discover



Data Discover is the central data portal for WildTrax. In Data Discover, you can search for biological data derived from ARUs and cameras, as well as point count data, using a variety of attribute filters. This brings the data together to help to get the big picture of what environmental sensor data exists in your area.


You'll find other data from organizations and projects who have chosen to release their data to level high enough that anyone in WildTrax can be aware of its existence. If you're looking for a certain project or organizations' data, you may need to request. See Privacy for more details. The goal of Data Discover is to provide an interactive way for anyone to discover environmental sensor data, and a place where data can be explored for scientific research.



The panel on the left are the filters you can use to search for data. Results will display on the map as well as in the table below. Locations without spatial coordinates won't be displayed on the map. You can toggle between different basemaps (light, dark, satellite or terrain) in the top left-hand corner of the map.


  • Thetab allows you to search data by organization, sensor and project as well as limit the data by a start and end date. The map will display the applicable locations of the data you filtered by; clicking and zooming in on the map allows you to get more metadata details about the location such as the project it belongs to and how many times it was visited.



The Results Table below will list the projects -- if the project name is red, you can click on the link to the project. 




The tab allows you to choose a sensor and then filter by projects and species, again also by start and end dates if need be. This time however, you can benefit from jumping directly to the task where the tag was created, allowing you to listen to the recording or look at the images.



What you can find in Data Discover depends on your organization or project membership and the status of the project.