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WildTrax Development Phases

The WildTrax team is continually implementing various features and functionalities to further develop the platform to support user needs

Phase 1 - Fall 2018

The goal of Phase 1 is to launch a platform that is easily accessible to all users, support data management, processing and storage needs for ARUs

Phase 2 - Fall 2019

The goal of Phase 2 is to release additional functionalities that added flexibility to the WildTrax system to support user needs as well as the addition of the camera sensor

Phase 3 - Summer 2020

The goal of Phase 3 was to provide unprecedented environmental sensor data management capabilities in WildTrax

  • My Organizations
  • Data management of locations, visits and environmental sensor equipment
  • ARU batch uploader


Phase 4 - Winter 2021

Phase 4 will see the development of deeper aspects of WildTrax and begin integrating data from other portals, ensuring data privacy and an ability to share your data with other WildTrax users

  • Privacy and membership infrastructure
  • Data Discover
  • Boreal Avian Modelling data integration
  • Point count sensor
  • Acoustic data auditing
  • Enhanced organization metadata management
  • Visit auto-generation
  • Batch upload and download of organization metadata (locations, visits, equipment)
  • Enhanced media management: delete tasks, recordings, images and image sets
  • Project, organization and task toggling
  • Location merging and automatic buffering
  • Visit photos with attributes for viewing habitat characteristics


Phase 5 - Summer 2021

The goal of Phase 5 was to focus on developing more intricate features for each sensor type as well as releasing documentation to help guide the user experience

  • ARU and camera sync
  • Integration of Megadetector
  • Conditions from nearby weather stations
  • Release of WildTrax: The Definitive Guide
  • Individual media download for recordings, images and visit photos
  • Location reporting
  • Series view customization
  • Beta version of wildRtrax
Phase 6 - Winter 2022

The goal of Phase 6 was to continue to enhance the user experience and data quality output for the ARU sensor while making the system more accessible to others

Acoustic species verification

User settings dashboard

Translation to French

Location management at the project level


Phase 7 - Summer 2022

The goal of Phase 7 was to continue to expand the capacity of the acoustic sensor, maintain important structural components and link together a network of open data

Enhanced project creation including species filters

Enhanced acoustic recording upload supporting ultrasonic audio

Implementation of dynamic spectrograms and audio

Enhancements to acoustic species verification

Public data transfer to NatureCounts - linking the CanAvian network