Erik Hedlin, Clement Falize, Natalia Lifshitz

See - Hear - Know

Welcome to WildTrax

WildTrax is an online platform for managing, storing, processing, sharing and discovering biological and environmental sensor data

With the advent of new digital-based sensor technologies to collect environmental data, there's been a growing need for a platform where that data can be efficiently and effectively handled. This is where WildTrax comes in.

WildTrax handles data from remote cameras, autonomous recording units and avian point counts but is adaptable to any sensor

Autonomous recording unit features
Autonomous recording unit features
  • Upload of acoustic media (wac, wav, mp3, flac)
  • Live tagging of dynamic spectrograms
  • Rapid species verification using BirdNET and detailed tag parameters
Remote camera features
Remote camera features

Upload of image sets

Custom settings including options for facial blurring and Megadetector AI results

Rapid and efficient species and image verification

Avian point count features
Avian point count features
Other functionalities
Other functionalities

Media and metadata management

Comprehensive privacy architecture

Location privacy, buffering and reporting options

Role-based user assignment for data privileges

Discovery and download of environmental sensor and avian data across Canada

WildTrax provides a robust platform for Open Data and encourages collectors to contribute to Open Data initiatives

Open Data refers to the philosophy and practice of making data freely available, easy to access, and easy to use by anyone. The WildTrax approach to open data presents a vision whereby data collectors can easily input high quality data, and data users can discover, access, and work with these datasets. Through partnerships, collaboration, and coordination among participants, WildTrax aims to provide tools that facilitate Open Data, creating a flexible system that can adapt to evolving data collection practices and meet the needs of various users, from field collectors to decision makers.

These principles currently allow WildTrax to be free to use from outstanding collaborations with its Partners and Sponsors